365 days, 1 year, 2 inactive bored sisters, one thinks any goal is too small for her, the other wants to try everything but is not sure where to start. So Ok, the challenge- run the first full marathon within 365 days. Start date: Nov 1st 2007 End date : Nov 1st 2008. Will we be able to do it??


Nov 1, 2007-------------->FEB - 9Mleft--------------->MAY - Completed Half Marathon!!!! 6Mleft---------------->AUG - 3Mleft--------------->Oct 19, 2008 -D DAY!!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - We were able to complete, yes complete :) the Nike Marathon - our first marathon - in about 6 hrs 40 mins.Our next goal - Lose weight!!! 36 pounds in 365 days - a lofty one considering that even the marathon training couldn't help us lose a few of the extra pounds.


MapMyRun.com - a vital tool for marathon preparation PBS Nova Marathon Challenge - Inspirational marathon training video Our progress (or not) - Check out our daily log!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Difficult day-junk miles?

Started off in the evening, on the tmill, with a nice program on the DVR, was feeling pretty good and actually was trying to increase my speed tp 4.4 instead of the 4.2mph. Stopped at the 20 min point to take in a sip of water and after that just could not run.

I have noticed this even during our long runs. I will be OK for the first couple of miles after the warmup mile and then as soon as I take in the water of gatorade, it is very difficult to get back into the rhythm again. Wonder what causes this?

Anyway finished the rest of the workout walking, didnt feel like it, only so can count it towards the 20/30 workouts I have to do each month. So this is what 'junk miles' means- a workout with no goal.

Lets see how I fare tomorrow. I get worried nowadays that I am not pushing myself enough. I read the blogs and everyone seems to be ending their workouts with soreness and pain- me, I am OK after the cooldown.

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