365 days, 1 year, 2 inactive bored sisters, one thinks any goal is too small for her, the other wants to try everything but is not sure where to start. So Ok, the challenge- run the first full marathon within 365 days. Start date: Nov 1st 2007 End date : Nov 1st 2008. Will we be able to do it??


Nov 1, 2007-------------->FEB - 9Mleft--------------->MAY - Completed Half Marathon!!!! 6Mleft---------------->AUG - 3Mleft--------------->Oct 19, 2008 -D DAY!!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - We were able to complete, yes complete :) the Nike Marathon - our first marathon - in about 6 hrs 40 mins.Our next goal - Lose weight!!! 36 pounds in 365 days - a lofty one considering that even the marathon training couldn't help us lose a few of the extra pounds.


MapMyRun.com - a vital tool for marathon preparation PBS Nova Marathon Challenge - Inspirational marathon training video Our progress (or not) - Check out our daily log!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 100 6.5 LSD Correction Day 101

6.5miles, 1hour 40 min.Ammazing!!
Did you see- HUNDRED days completed , 100.Good job!

Woke up feeling great. No aches or pains, no lingering sniffles. Ate a PBJ -half sandwich with a cup of tea. Started from GBs house- no preparation done- no water - havent still bought the water bottles or the paraphrenalia to carry the snacks and since GB had mapped the run from mapmyrun wasnt sure if there would be any restrooms or water fountains along the way- I need my bathroom breaks.

Started at 7.17 AM at a walking speed , climbed a small hill and then started the running. GB wasnt into it from the beginning and I too was feeling a bit stiff tho I didnt voice it- then we surely would have turned back- the poor girl keeps moving thinking I am the athletic one. Since the route was a loop couldnt just turn back after doing 2 miles. I hadnt been into this part of the town so the scenery was all new and I just loved the houses. Big brick houses surrounded by well kept lawns, old , shady trees, the birds have started coming out, we passed so many runners and walkers who all smiled at us, GB got into the run at about 3 miles so mile 3-5 went very good-smooth.
Also thankfully she ate half a banana and that gave her much needed calories- she came today without having eaten anything- can you believe that? I mean at home when we are sitting in front of the T.V we dont go without eating for more than 15 min and here shes moving a big object without giving it the energy for more than 2 hours!
Then we came to the last part and kept thinking the end would be near but the road kept winding in and out so we sort of got fed up. On looking back I think it was only the last 0.5 mile that we lost our direction.

Overall a good R/W. Average speed still 4mph. Not as tired at the end of it as I thought I would be.

Points to be remembered:
- Have to do the weekly runs as homework, feel better during the LSD after those. I would think 3 total runs in a week were too less, but was reading someones blog yesterday ( have got to remember the names but I skim thru so many..) and they felt that 3 runs a week were good to prevent injury and enjoy running. Since my goal is not only to run the marathon, but do it injury free and have running as my sport, I will accept the 3 times a week limit. The problem is not the limit, the problem is to run a minimum 3 times a week.

- I have to keep stretching, which I did this week, nothing formal, just flexing and extending my ankles and stretching the hamstrings and quads while sitting in front of the T.V. Just that much has made a big difference in the tightness/ pain I experienced in my knees.

- Have to lose this weight. After todays session both of us are motivated to lose the weight. During the run the thought is : Oh man! I have to lose to move better. After the run : I ran so much and my poor body deserves a treat. What I need to understand is that I am not burning much during those runs- a measly 250 cal if I r/w 3 miles and the PBJ sandwich I enjoy before the run more than covers it.

Satisfied today, walk tomorrow.

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