365 days, 1 year, 2 inactive bored sisters, one thinks any goal is too small for her, the other wants to try everything but is not sure where to start. So Ok, the challenge- run the first full marathon within 365 days. Start date: Nov 1st 2007 End date : Nov 1st 2008. Will we be able to do it??


Nov 1, 2007-------------->FEB - 9Mleft--------------->MAY - Completed Half Marathon!!!! 6Mleft---------------->AUG - 3Mleft--------------->Oct 19, 2008 -D DAY!!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - We were able to complete, yes complete :) the Nike Marathon - our first marathon - in about 6 hrs 40 mins.Our next goal - Lose weight!!! 36 pounds in 365 days - a lofty one considering that even the marathon training couldn't help us lose a few of the extra pounds.


MapMyRun.com - a vital tool for marathon preparation PBS Nova Marathon Challenge - Inspirational marathon training video Our progress (or not) - Check out our daily log!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 137 My first 5k!!

Our firstest 5k ever.

Ammazing experience.
GB had registered us both almost 2 months ago and I didnt realise I was running this till 2 days ago. Then the nervousness started, it was almost as if I was taking an exam. Got my stuff ready last night, was feeling apprehensive because its been very cold here for a couple of days , and I was feeling nauseous and headachy, had my fingers crossed that wouldnt end with the flu floating around. Slept fitfully, woke every hour, and kept imagining myself left at the start line while everyone else had rushed ahead, or needing a bathroom break, or having one of the usual aches and pains.
Woke early at 5AM, called GB to wake her up, ate half a PBJ and a cup of tea, dressed warmly, went to GBs house, and started off in her car. She told me she had worked out the last 2 days and developed some right below the knee pain. Iasked her why she had not taken a day off and the answer was " I had to practice for the 5 k!"
So there we were, me cold and nervous and she with probably a new injury. As usual whenever we go to this part of the downtown we got lost. Kudos to her for keeping calm and thanks to Him/Her for showing us the right direction right at the moment when I was going to freak out.
Reached the start point at 6.30 for the 8.10 AM race and there is a crowd of 4500 people collected for the half and the 5K.
The arrangements were good, we had easy assess to the restrooms, but it was very cold and windy and that does detract from the experience somewhat.
The race started at 8.10 and we were off! I started off really fast as usual and GB had to keep holding me back. But it is unnerving to see every single person overtaking you. Thanks to GB she kept an even pace thru out but I kept darting ahead and then having to stop because I was out of breath. The run did feel harder than the usual 3miles we do every other weekend, maybe because the route was an unknown to us. Also it wasnt a scenic route , no pretty trees or flowers, no beautiful houses and even the roads in some places were broken.
We did walk for maybe five min total, once at the water aid station, then while climbing a hill, and maybe a min or two after pushing myself when I thought the end of the race was near but it was only a turn.
It took me 2 miles to get into the pace set by GB and then I fell into step with her. After that it was OK till the end of the race. Thru out I was trying to overtake an older gentleman, Ok , he must be atleast 70 and was running at a seemingly slow steady pace, so I would sprint to oveertake him, then walk for a min and he would very nicely like the proverbial turtle overtake me, then I would again increase my speed and again fall behind, till GB told me to let it go. Moral of the story again is -slow and steady wins the race.
At the end we had decided to sprint and give it our all, and I did that but then realised GB wasnt doing it , so looked back and she was stil at her usual pace.Later she told me she was just not feeling upto it.

Final stats--931/932 out of 1500 5kers, time 40.52. , avg pace 13.08

But the experience was wonderful, and hearing your name blared over the field was great, we got the snack bags, we went to all the stalls to get more info on races we would run it the future, we discussed our next race- a half marathon in May, how GB wuld do the pacing, , how we wld be running faster by then because we will be good and lose some pounds which will help us run faster, etc, etc etc.

11 miles next weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, now go back and read your first post and see how FAR you've come!! CONGRATULATIONS! May you have many more happy 5ks in your future. :)