365 days, 1 year, 2 inactive bored sisters, one thinks any goal is too small for her, the other wants to try everything but is not sure where to start. So Ok, the challenge- run the first full marathon within 365 days. Start date: Nov 1st 2007 End date : Nov 1st 2008. Will we be able to do it??


Nov 1, 2007-------------->FEB - 9Mleft--------------->MAY - Completed Half Marathon!!!! 6Mleft---------------->AUG - 3Mleft--------------->Oct 19, 2008 -D DAY!!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - We were able to complete, yes complete :) the Nike Marathon - our first marathon - in about 6 hrs 40 mins.Our next goal - Lose weight!!! 36 pounds in 365 days - a lofty one considering that even the marathon training couldn't help us lose a few of the extra pounds.


MapMyRun.com - a vital tool for marathon preparation PBS Nova Marathon Challenge - Inspirational marathon training video Our progress (or not) - Check out our daily log!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 126 -torture

3.1 miles,i.e 5k in 45 min.

Had not done any proper running since Sat did a short 1 mile slowly in 20 min to test my left leg , felt ok with it, so decided to run/walk a 5k today just to see if I would be ever able to run a 5 k.

Started off slowly, legs felt like cement, then tried to pick up my pace ,and promptly developed shin splints. That usually happens if am going too fast!! too fast! so brought down the pace a bit , then felt like I was thumping along , again sped up a bit and went out of breath, panted along for a bit, took some walk breaks, developed side splits , kept waiting for the second wind everyone keeps talkin about , it never came.
Still felt OK because the left calf was quiet so far. Then just 2 min from my house , a time when I was thinking of walking the rest of the way, felt a slight twitch in the back of the knee , and there it went again.
So now I am left with the same left back of the knee pain, shin splints, sore knees, basically below the hips I need all new parts.
What made me go out there at 3.30 p.m in the bright hot burning afternoon, with a sore leg?
First was the official site of the October Nikes women marathon which states that the course will be closed after 6.5 hours, which means we should be able to walk/run at 4.3-4.5mph. I was just not aware of this. I thought this marathon had a closing time of 8 or more hours.
The second was thefact that I visit all these blogs on completerunning network, there are 1700 members approximately so I can take my pick, and almost everyone is running at amazing speeds, keeping an average pace of 10-12mph, which I wont be able to do in my dreams even.
The third is the fact that I looked back at my progress in the last 4 months , and I still dont know why I cant run more that 2-3 min at a time when I did the C25k program and was running 30 min at the end of it, then what happened? I have been pretty consistent but I think I am walking more that running and if I dont run now ,I dont think I will suddenly start running in the marathon. Running is difficult , my body just wants to walk instead.
What can I say-just keep running just keep running.
Also I need to learn how to pace myself, GB and I were analyzing , on our long runs, we start off too fast , and then are unable to finish strong.Actually now that I am think about it that may be only part of the problem , sometimes we are just tired or hurting even at the beginning of the long run.
Am taking two days off and then 9.5 miles over the weekend. Lets see will do it only if the left leg gives me the green signal.

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